

2018-04-09 14:40:00 【关闭】 【打印】


  FICCI Secretary General: China's Economic Transition Injects Vitality to World Development


  By staff reporter ZHANG HUI

  4月9日上午,2018博鳌亚洲论坛年会的分论坛分别开始进行。在亚洲经济预测分论坛上,与会嘉宾包括印度工商联合会秘书长Sanjaya Baru、中国人民银行前行长戴相龙、国民经济研究所所长樊纲、日本银行前行长百川方明以及中国社科院世界经济与政治研究所所长张宇燕。他们分别就包括中国在内的亚洲国家目前所面临的挑战和发展前景进行了讨论。在之后的提问环节,Sanjaya Baru就中国深化改革和开放的决心,以及中国发展进入新时代后,经济向高质量发展的转变给世界带来的机会,回答了本刊记者的提问。

  On the morning of April 9, discussion sessions of the Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference 2018 kicked off as scheduled. Guest speakers at the session The Asian Economy: Systemic Risks & Structural Reform included Sanjaya Baru, secretary general of the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI), Dai Xianglong, former governor of People's Bank of China, Fan Gang, director of China's National Economic Research Institute, Masaaki Shirakawa, former governor of the Bank of Japan, and Zhang Yuyan, director of the Institute of World Economics and Politics under Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. They discussed the challenges faced by Asian countries and their development prospects.

  In the Q&A session that followed, Sanjaya Baru answered China Today's question regarding China's resolve to further its reform and opening-up and the opportunities China is bringing to the world with its transitioning to a stage of high-quality development from the past rapid-growth phase.

  Sanjaya Baru说:"我很高兴看到中国经济由高速增长转向高质量发展,这是一个非常好的变化。"他说中国目前6%左右的增长速度在未来一定时期还会继续保持。他相信中国会继续深化改革开放。Sanjaya Baru认为中国经济的高速发展已经使它成长为全球出口大国,与此同时这也让中国与一些国家,比如美国,出现了贸易摩擦。他认为在这个阶段向高质量发展转变是非常必要的。"往长远来看,健康、高质量的增长才是可持续的,"他说。他接着指出,目前中国在世界上不仅仅是出口大国,中国还通过投资给世界很多国家带来了发展机会。"就印度而言我们非常欢迎中国的投资,我们希望有更多的市场合作。印度的债务问题非常严重,我们希望与中国的合作能帮助缓解这一问题," Sanjaya Baru对本刊记者说。他认为现在中国进行的经济转型,不仅对中国好,对其他发展中国家也非常有好处。他表示非常高兴看到中国的变化。

  "I'm very happy to see China's change to high-quality development from the past high-speed development mode. This is a very good transformation," Sanjaya Baru said. He believed that in the future China would maintain its economic growth rate at around six percent, and would further its reform and opening-up.

  He said that China's high-speed development has shaped it into a global export giant, and therefore brought it into trade-oriented friction with some countries like the United States. He pointed out that China's transition to high-quality development is very necessary. "In the long term, only sound and high-quality development is sustainable," Baru said.


  He further stated that in the world arena, China is more than a big exporter; it is injecting more vitality to world development by bringing investment to many countries. "As far as India is concerned, we welcome China's investment. We hope China and India will have more cooperation in many fields. India is now laden with heavy debts. We hope our cooperation with China will help ease the problem," Baru told China Today. He believed that China's ongoing economic transformation would not only benefit China, but catalyze the development of many other developing countries. He said he was very happy to see China's change.

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